Tidy room, tidy mind – Tips to declutter your bedroom

July 18, 2020

By: Rena C

The layout of your bedroom, how tidy it is, and the amount of clutter you have, can have a big impact on how well you sleep.

In order to have the best sleep, it is important to have a clean, tidy room. If your room is full of clutter and you want to have a change and become more minimalistic (and therefore more clear headed), these are the steps you can take in order to have a clean, tidy room at all times.

Step 1

Start with the bed. When sorting out your bedroom, be sure to make your bed before doing anything else.

Step 2

Create a list – Break it down and sort by category. We presume that your bedroom has the following key categories:

  • Bed
  • Closet/drawers
  • Bedside table
  • Skincare/Make up Organiser
  • Study Desk
  • Travel gear
  • Hobbyist/Leisure products (Sewing, photography, music, exercise products, books etc)
  • Miscellaneous (Photo albums)

Step 3

Prioritise which category to start with first. We recommend prioritising in the order shown in point 2.

Steps 4-8 will need to be done one category at a time.

Step 4

For each category, sort out according to the following 3 piles:L ove/Need, Like, Dislike

Step 5

Place the Dislike items pile and Like items pile in their own respective bags and set aside somewhere first.

Step 6

Clean the space and wait for it to dry before you place your Love/Need items back in.

Step 7

Start placing your Love/Need items back into the category space. Further down this article, we will recommend to you some tips/organisers that will help you optimise the organization of each category.

Step 8

See if there is space left for any of your Like items. If there is, shortlist your favourite 5-10 items in your Like items and place them into the category space.

Step 9

Proceed with the next category. 

Step 10

Once done with all categories, its time to throw/donate/recycle the items in your Dislike pile(s).

Now we will break down how you may organise each category.

1. Closet

Many clutter problems stem from not having enough space in a closet. If you only have a single bar and a shelf in your closet, consider giving it a makeover.

*Tip: In order not to jam pack your closet, you can store excess and off-season items in storage organisers or even in another room to keep the closet from becoming cluttered.

1a. Closet – Hanging rack(s)

To allow space for all your clothes You can consider splitting your closet into 2 sections, such as double bar hanger system on 1 side and a series of shelves on the other.

Doing so will remove more items from the floor and allow you to keep a more organized system in place.

Here’s some great 2-tier racks that you can consider:

Maximise the space in your wardrobe with this easy-to-hang Oceanstar 2-Tier Portable Adjustable Rod Closet Hanger
No wardrobe? Keep it minimalist with this  ALLZONE Adjustable Closet Rod Double Rail,Freestanding Clothing Garment Rack Organizer System

We suggest to hang the following pieces of clothing as they usually tend to crease easily and folding them will increase the chances of creasing. You don’t want your ironing effort to go to waste!

  • Tops
  • Bottoms
  • Dresses
  • Coats/jackets

Here are some great hangers that you can utilise:

Take away the frustration of needing to always hang the clothes back on the hangers with these non-slip velvet hangers. AmazonBasics Velvet Suit Clothes Hangers, 100-Pack, Black
There’s just something so clean and refreshing about a wardrobe where all the hangers are white.
Sharpty White Plastic Hangers, Plastic Clothes Hangers Ideal for Everyday Standard Use, Clothing Hangers (White, 60 Pack) 

1b. Closet – Drawers

The following clothing pieces usually do not require a full drawer space so we may tend to lump all of them together in the same drawer, causing the drawer to be rather messy and leads to us digging through everything to find what we want – this eats into our precious time finding and also needing to repack the drawer again.

  • Swimwear
  • Undergarments
  • Hair accessories
  • Jewellery
  • Pyjamas
  • Towels

To combat the issue of a messy drawer? Use drawer dividers! Here are some awesome drawer dividers:

This drawer divider is awesome because it is adjustable and expandable so it can fit exactly according to your drawer width. It has non-slip grip edges and is also made of bamboo which makes it really durable and long lasting: KLUTTER KUTTER “The Original Bamboo Drawer Divider
Want a drawer divider that you can take out of the drawer now and then without the hassle of having to repack all your clothing/accessories again? Go for this: Simple Houseware Closet Underwear Organizer Drawer Divider 4 Set

2. Bedside table


Bedside tables, can play a significant role in affecting the ease of your sleep. They are used to store everything you need to use last thing at night or first thing in the morning, such as an alarm clock, book, glasses case, a cup, a lamp, perhaps a white noise machine and an aroma diffuser.

It is important to keep your bedside table clean and tidy so you have enough space to put all your before-sleep and first thing in the morning essentials on it.

The type of bedside table you should get depends on the type of person you are. Some of you require all the items mentioned above. Some of you may just require space for a cup.

3. Skincare/Make up Organiser

We believe in minimising the skincare and make up you have and just keep the necessities (however if you passion is make up or skincare then perhaps you can have another stash for the more ‘once-in-a-while’ products).

Regardless of whether if it’s your passion or not, in order to feel less overwhelmed, it is vital to store only the daily skincare/makeup products in a small, accessible space (eg in  a drawer). If you are a skincare/make up junkie, the remaining products that are not used daily can be kept elsewhere (maybe another drawer). Keeping only the necessary items near you ensures that you are not overwhelmed with choices each day.

You can have your skin care and make up products all in 1 organizer! Makeup Organizer, 360 Degree Rotating Adjustable Cosmetic Storage Display Case with 8 Layers Large Capacity, Fits Jewelry,Makeup Brushes, Lipsticks and More, Clear 
Prefer something more woody/scandanavian, yet also is able to hold all your necessary skincare/makeup products and is durable and long lasting?:
Lavish Home Makeup Organizer – Rotating Eco-Friendly Compact Modern Bamboo Skincare Cosmetic and Vanity Carousel for Bedroom, Bathroom, or Dorm 

4. Study Desk


For utmost productivity and to minimise distraction, your study desk should only have your laptop, perhaps monitor, a notebook, your mouse, your phone and your cup.

If you have books that you want to keep near your study desk, you may want to consider having a bookshelf or drawers to place the books in.

5. Travel gear/excess and off-season items/Miscellaneous items (eg Photo albums)

Store these in their own storage organisers. If possible, keep these in the storeroom. If not possible to store elsewhere, get a bed with storage so you can store all your travel gear/excess and off-season items under your bed!

6. Hobbyist/Leisure products (Sewing, photography, music, exercise products, Books etc)


Your hobbies likely play a big part in your life and make you happy. We do not believe that one can get great at something if they want to do and learn many things at once. This applies to hobbies too.

So if you currently have many hobbies, its time to shortlist 1-2 hobbies that you want to dive deep in. If your hobbies require any form of equipment that you will regularly use, we suggest to set aside a space somewhere in your room where you can display them proudly.

That’s it! You have a spick and span room and you can start your everyday feeling fresh and rejuvenated.

Remember to do your chores a few times a week to ensure that your room is spick and span always!

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