What is the difference between syndet bar and soap?

I’m sure that you have come across body wash bars. 

Did you know that ‘body wash bars’ are not body soap even though they may look alike?

The main difference between a body wash bar and soap is that a body was bar tends to be balanced at your skin’s PH level (4.7 – 5.5) whereas soap tends to have high PH (9 – 11).

Why does the PH of your skin matters?

Having a balanced PH ensures that your skin stays at its optimum healthy level. This means, healthy, beautiful skin. The high PH of soap may strip your skin of its acid mantle. When you rinse your skin with soap, a layer of the protective acid mantle barrier is actually washed away, leading to even drier skin.

Acid mantle is a very thin film on the surface of our skin that acts as a barricade to bacteria and other viral substances trying to penetrate. Its slight acidity protects against bacteria, preserves the skin’s microbiome, ensures its structural integrity, and helps maintain its vital biological processes.

What happens when your skin’s acid mantle is reduced?

Well, depending on your skin type/life habits, it will lead to signs of damage include increased dryness, itching, irritation, and inflammation. All this can also worsen skin conditions such as acne and eczema. Yikes.

Hence if you have dry, sensitive skin, we recommend you to use a syndet bar over soap. If you have normal or oily skin, its okay for you to use soap that is recommended for your skin type.

I hope that this article helps you understand more about the difference between a syndet bar and soap. 

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